Thursday, January 28, 2010

new pictures

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up!

Things have been very busy and I warned everyone from the begining that I would not be good at this! I didn't lie!
Ok so we have a lot to go over in a short time, naps only last so long!

First we will start with christmas and before... about 2 weeks before...
I got a call at work on the 14th of December, Ivorie's daycare, she has a fever and I need to come pick her up. Daycare says most likely an ear infection, she has been digging in her left ear all day. So with not enough time to make it back to our regular clinic, I bring her to urgent care in Monticello. We are told that she doesn't have an ear infection... yet, but she will probably get one in a few days, and there is nothing that they can do until she actually gets one. Well she seemed ok enough to go to daycare the next day so I bring her and go to work, well soon enough I get another call, and I'm going back to pick her up. Then by Wendesday I've had enough and her fevers aren't going down and she had since stopped eating and drinking and my worst fear she stopped peeing. So we went to our clinic, and got to see Dr. Shcrup, we did a lot of tests, and the nurses had to pick on my baby girl and cath her, and then the bad news came, they couldn't figure out what was wrong so we went to short stay and Ivorie got an IV placed, and got IV fluids, fevers not going down and still not drinking by Thursday we gave IVs another try and almost spent the night in the hospital. But she finally kicked it by Friday and got her IV out. We had another illness mid January and spent a few hours in the ER and found out Ivorie had croup and viral pneummonia. What's with my child getting so sick? I would expect this from an unimmunized or partially immunized child, but I've done everything right, I get her immunized, I don't let her hang out with boogery kids.... but still she gets sick! Oh did I mention we also spent 3 weeks dealing with diarrhea and a non stop crabby child? It wasn't my fondest memories of my child but hey I got some cute pictures of her screaming...(most likely will be showing one to a future boyfriend! yes I plan on being that kind of mom!)
So in between that somewhere, Christmas happened, and presents and over excitement (on my behalf) I though Ivorie was going to be into presents a lot more than she was. New Years happened, we had a mini party, and by mini I mean Ivorie invited her friend Colton over. It was fun, Lance fell asleep, but at least Colton was awake so I got somewhat of a new years kiss! :-)
I am going to try to update more now, even though I hate our laptop, which is why I was boycotting! I wish I would be able to update from my phone.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Turkeys, Snow and Christmas Lights

Ivorie's first Thanksgivings were great. We started at Grandpa Art's on Thanksgiving and of course she got to try some of the famous cheese roll ups, and like every Klofstad, she loved them! Then on Saturday we went to the Buckner Thanksgiving. Nana even made Jell-O, which was a lot more fun to play with than to eat! Ivorie got to play with her cousins Amanda and Amber as well, it was a great day.

We have gotten a little snow the past few days, nothing to get too excited about, but enough that we got Ivorie a snow suit and have been lugging her around in that instead of just a coat. She loves her snowsuit, I'm sure it is super comfy, I wish I could be wrapped in fleece all day... hmmm maybe I should get a snuggie?

The big debate with the christmas lights was settled and if you would like to drive down Lake Street North at dark, you will see who won! About a week before Thanksgiving, I started to talk about putting up the Christmas lights, we have every year since we have lived in our house. It's always been the white icicle lights. Well the first year we put up the lights (ok lets be honest, Lance put them up) and then Lance took them down. The next year he put them back up, and then took them down, and instead of storing them the same as the previous year (which I think involed a laundry basket) he had a bright idea to lay them all out in the yard and he was going to wrap them around cardboard. Then it snowed. So the lights stayed under the snow until spring and then got thrown away. So the next year (which was 2008) I went out and bought all new lights because I was going to have lights on my house! Lance again put them all up, and then took them all down, and this year laid them out in the garage (getting smarter!) and then they sat there for the entire Spring and Summer, then in the fall I noticed that they were picked up, (by this time I don't know why he didn't just leave them there until it was time to hange them) So a week before Thanksgiving, I asked if we could put the lights up and Lance said "we don't need lights this year" and I said "of course we need lights, it's Ivorie's first Christmas, Did you ruin my brand new lights?" and Lance said "No I did not ruin your lights.... I threw them away!" I was so mad since we had just bought them the year before. So we went back and forth for the entire week and finally decided on Multi Colored C-9 lights, they were very easy to put up, I even helped this year, by putting them on the shed! So Please drive by at night and look at the lovely lights, and make sure to mention to Lance how great they look!

Friday, November 20, 2009

FALL... the season and the action

So with this new crawling adventure we have been going on, we have had to deal with the outcome of bonking our head on everything. Which on it's own wouldn't be so bad. But now Ivorie has decided that she would like too try to pull herself up onto things and she loses control of herself very easily, so with that comes the head bashing, into the coffee table, into the entertainment stand, into the baby gate, and most recently into the deck door, it was pretty cute until she actually fell, her and Buddy both looking out the window together. So Ivorie is sporting a few bumps and bruises on her forehead, and I imagine the back of her head too.

Last week, Ivorie had a sleepover, Colton and Alisa came to spend the night in Big Lake, it was a fun to let them play until they were purely exhausted, which happened faster for Ivorie than Colton. But it was also nice once the babies went to bed, the Mommies could relax and have a little bit of adult time!

On Friday the 13th, My work had a H1N1 pig roast at Dr. Melloy's house. It was a great night out for me and Lance, we got to interact with adults and not have to worry about who was watching the baby... she was safe and sound at Kevin and Jenica's! We will not mention anything about the picture we recieved via text message shortly after arriving at the party, oh since I already did, I guess I should explain, we got a nice picture sent from Kevin of Ivorie sitting in her car seat holding onto a beer! It was actually pretty adorable :-)

Oh and as I type, my little michelob lover is awaking from a nap....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby on the Move!


Ivorie and her friend Colton visiting at CBA

We started Halloween early at our house, a whole day early! We woke up Friday morning excited to go out and about. While getting ready Ivorie decided that she was going to surprise me by CRAWLING! She just leaned forward and started moving! I was thankful that I charged the video camera so I ran an got it on video! Daddy was called at work (which rarely happens) and he was excited to hear the news. As we went place to place showing off her Halloween costume, she wasn't shy about showing off her fancy new moves. While we were at Nana's office with Colton the Monkey and Alisa, Ivorie even tried to crawl over Alisa like she was a jungle gym. Then while visiting Jenica, she decided to try crawling in her costume, huge belly and all! It was a cute sight to see this pink monster crawling across the floor!

Halloween I had to work, but was greatly entertained with my jazzerciser friend Kelly, Amy the black cat and Oscar the Grouch, aka Kevin. We had a quick yet busy day at the clinic and then I was headed home to take my monster trick-or-treating.

We started at grandpa and grandma's house where Ivorie got 2 books, she loved to chew them more than read them! Then we visited Grandpa Art's and Ivorie had a great time playing around with Casper, dressed up as a ladybug! She thought that he was so funny, he was a little uneasy about her being in his house, playing on his floor and even trying to play with his toys! We ended the night at Craig and Pam's, where the treats were plentiful, cheerios and food for Ivy, and wine and beer for mom and dad. I even got to hand out a candy to a few kids, there was one kid that was my favorite, trick-or-treating with a purse! I thought it was a little girl, but Lance informed me it was really a boy dressed up as a girl! CUTE!

Ivorie has been mostly crabby and tired today, but with such a busy past few days, I don't blame her, I think Lance and I feel the same way!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy Piggy

So we have had a long few weeks at our house. Last week Ivorie was so crabby, we noticed she was getting her top 2 teeth, which quickly turned into her top 4! She was screaming when we would lay her down, and when I got home from work one night she had a temp of 102. I thought well she's got an ear infection for sure. So the next day I had to bring her into the clinic to get some antibiotics, or so I thought. Dr. Watkin is who we saw, since her regular pediatrician has Tuesdays off (she always seems to need to go in on Tuesdays!) She took a peek in her tiny little ears and said, "they couldn't look better!" I was shocked! Since that morning she woke up with a temp of 103.4! So we had some options, more tests, or hope that the fever was from teething. With a gentle nudge from Dr. Watkin, telling us that most babies do not spike that high of a fever just from teething, we went with the more tests option. So my poor little girl had to give a urine sample, with the help of Jodie and Angel's help. (not my favorite thing to have done to me little lady) then we had blood drawn and the lovely influenza test, no child or adult, likes to have something stuck up their nose that far! So my little girl was mad at everyone poking her and touching her, and she was so cranky while at the dr, thankfully she finally fell asleep. All her urine tests came back normal, her blood work did show one little thing, in favor of a viral infection. Influenza is a viral infection...So We got our prescription for Tamiflu and we were sent on our way and we were going to be called with the results of the influenza test. I kept thinking to myself, there is no way my daughter has influenza, she only has a fever! I was 200% positive she had an ear infection. So I contiplated if I needed the Tamiflu or not. Finally I decided it can't hurt to pick it up and if she gets even more sick then we will give it to her. So we went home with Ivy's temp creeping up (tylenol and ibuprofen wearing off, and only one dose left at home!) Daddy was called and told that he must stop at Target to replentish our supply of fever reducing medications and the news from the Dr. Ivorie had a long nap and then the Dr. called. Her influenza test was POSITIVE! My poor little lady had influenza A. I was shocked,, but happy we got the Tamiflu. So it was a rough few days batteling with that fever, keeping it down and keeping Ivy happy. But by Friday she was well on her way to recovery. The weekend came and went and finally we had a happy girl again! YAY! And to make things even better, Lance and I stayed healthy the entire time! So H1N1 came through the Klofstad household and was not as much of a pest as I had thought it would be.

On happier notes, since her illness, Ivorie has learned to get from her tummy to her knees and push herself backwards back onto her butt! She even surprised us with a little crawling on Tuesday night. Buddy is in so much trouble because she will be chasing him around the living room in no time! Her 4 top teeth have come in nicely, and they are HUGE I do have to say.

We have a weekend full of fun plans to visit everyone in her Halloween costume, and go trick-or-treating!